Exhaust air heat pumps collect energy from the exhaust air of the property.
Exhaust air is extracted from the kitchen and the bathrooms and brought to the heat pump via ductwork. The exhaust air heat pumps come with an integrated hot water cylinder.
Better Planet installs the whole system, including ductwork for both supply and exhaust air. These systems are mainly used for flats and other smaller properties which are not suitable for other types of heat pumps and where air quality can an issue.

Frequently Asked Questions about Exhaust Air Heat Pumps
- For what type of property is an exhaust air heat pump suitable?
The maximum capacity of an exhaust air heat pump is around 5 kW which means that they are mainly used for flats and small bungalows. The system contributes to the ventilation of the property by removing air from kitchens and bathrooms. It is therefore most relevant for new, airtight properties.
- What ducting is required?
All exhaust air heat pumps require ducting. For smaller units, only extract ducting is required while for bigger units both supply and extract ducting is required. In the latter case, the system is effectively a heat pump and MVHR in one system.